Evidence - based governance

Perrin Carey
27 April 2021 at 08:00:00
Improving governance is a challenge for all organisations.
It doesn't matter if you're a FTSE100 company or a small private manufacturing business, or in fact a school, governance should be a focus of your work.
It was Peter Drucker, who said
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it".
Whilst this is not a panacea, there is a truth to this statement.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) and learning is a foundation in many professions; teaching, medicine and pharmaceuticals, but it also has a growing favour in other more diverse areas, such as motor-racing, manufacturing and indeed governance.
EBP is primarily a reflective and review process, which is founded on the collection of scientifically aggregated evidence, normally through scientific method.
The normal process currently for organisations to assess their governance is through audit and review. This is often carried out by a third-party and they conduct an assessment of the policies, procedures, controls and frameworks.
Inherently, there's nothing wrong with this, however it is often not carried out using EBP, but rather an opinion-based approach. This is where, an individual or group of individuals form a view of the governance of an organisation and record this view with pieces of objective and subjective evidence.
What if you could measure governance and culture from a more EBP perspective and even better, begin to quantify the quality of the governance within your organisation statistically?
We think you can.
Our work and research over the last 12-months has focused on the creation of GOVindicia®, an evidence-based assessment process that measures governance, founded on a scientific methodological approach.
We use a specifically designed survey instrument, issued to all your employees, and where the scores are collated by our unique technology. This technology, along with our mathematical modelling, produces insightful information from the data we collect.
Governance is still poorly understood.
Anyone who works in the field and is open to this perspective, appreciates that organisations are simply a collection of human-beings.
But human-beings are complex and the interconnections and interrelationships between humans is even more complex.
If we are to begin to truly understand how organisations operate and govern themselves, we need to work much harder at measuring governance.