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Perrin Carey

23 September 2020 at 09:00:00

Like many small jurisdictions, Guernsey was not fortunate to have huge capital or land, so in true entrepreneurial spirit, Guernsey made use of its location and legal independence.

I’m currently reading about my ancestors [e.g. Isaac Carey]; they were merchants living and working on the island of Guernsey.

Like many small jurisdictions, Guernsey was not fortunate to have huge capital or land, so in true entrepreneurial spirit, Guernsey made use of its location and legal independence.

In 1481, an anglo-french papal bull was issued confirming that Guernsey would be regarded as neutral in any further conflict that may occur between the countries. This was advantageous to the Guernsey merchants.
By 1544, the Queen of Hungary was grumbling that the English were making use of Guernsey to barter freely with the French, because at this time, the importation of French goods into England was prohibited.

What was possible, however, was the use of Guernsey as a conduit. French wine, imported into Guernsey, was then promptly exported to England.

Historical influence, jurisdictional and political independence [since 1204], international trade and entrepreneurship have existed in Guernsey for hundreds of years.

Whilst the future of Guernsey and its trade is largely unknown, it will undoubtedly be shaped by its unique history and its significant present efforts to support global transparency and the fight against financial crime.

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