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Board Effectiveness.

Boards lead the strategy and governance oversight of an organisation. They hold accountability for its effectiveness, sustainability and growth. Where is your Board on this journey with your organisation?  
-Seth Godin 

Why is it important.

The quality and performance of boards has been the subject of many investigations, research and case-studies of company successes and failures.

the board of an organisation sets the tone, the purpose and the values and behaviours of its people. It leads on decision-making and has ultimate accountability for how those decisions are implemented.

A high-performing organisation will almost always have a high-performing board - it's importance is vital.

Board Effectiveness through our lens.

We observe boards from different perspectives - both as integral to their organisation's performance, and dynamic in their relationship with executive leadership and the wider organisation.

It's in the efficacy of these interconnected relationships that our development and assessment framework comes to life and you can see your board like never before.

How do we measure Board Effectiveness.

We approach the assessment of board effectiveness from the perspectives of development and enhancement - not evaluation!

This is deliberate. We want the boards we work with to be open, courageous and willing to see their challenges and opportunities. We measure to understand, to advance and to bring about the space to flourish.


What's different about us.

We are proud of our unique approach to the measurement of how we measure the effectiveness of your Board. It's this uniqueness that enables us to see and understand how your organisation is shifting and changing and allows you to see your organisation like never before.

By utilising AI and machine learning technology, along with our customisable survey design, we show you ways in which you can visualise your journey of change, such as how collaborative you are, how inclusive you are and how agile you are. 

Your report hits the nail on the head with our organisation’s strong culture and information scores and lower perceived effectiveness scores. We were already implementing more structure to our processes along with some Key Performance Indicators to improve our effectiveness, so this has been a refreshing endorsement of our approach

Non-Executive Director   |  Fund Sector

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